Lead a full and vital life through mind body philosophy & practice to remedy the ouches & ooohs, the I'd like to do that betters & the fragile moments that yearn to be brought back to balance.
Antidote Wellness is the antidote to stress, anxiety, pain and instability. If you are ready to cultivate steadiness, ease and joy we are here for you and offer you consultation to consider our programs customized to your needs. For over 30 years, Keiralynn Yoga & Wellness continues to serve through knowledge, presence & care. Our community includes people of all ages, professional backgrounds, diverse needs all with one thing in common; a desire to learn how to improve the function of their body and mind toward empowering their health to maintain an active, joyful life.
General pain relief, rehabilitation, healthy aging, TBI, PTSD, anxiety disorders, neurodiversity (developmentally or trauma informed). Find the resources that are right for you.
1-on-1 coaching
Dive deep into your development with personalized guidance.